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переклад, компаративістика, діалог, текст, культурний трансфер, мовна картина світу, рецепція, інтерпретація. translation, comparative studies, dialogue, text, cultural transfer, linguistic picture of the world, reception, interpretation.

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The article deals with the role of literary translation in the field of comparative studies. It is noted that the process of interaction of fiction is the touch limit between comparative literature and translation studies. It is argued that the doctrine of semiotics had a significant impact on the further development of the theory of literary translation and literary comparative studies. The issue of literary translation as a problem of comparative literature is also actively considered by Ukrainian scholars. Today, Ukrainian comparative studies consider translation in the light of interpretive vision, as the interaction of the worldviews of the writer and the translator. The article examines the concept of cultural transfer, which added to the paradigm of intercultural dialogue – literary translation. It is noted that in contrast to literary translation in cultural transfer deviations from the original should be examined not as a mistake but as an adaptation to a new context, and shifting functions or content of a new element can be examined as opening up new functionalities. It is noted that common in comparative literature, where contact and genetic connections, typological similarities, differences and influences of different literatures, and translation theory, where the original text is compared with the translated one, or different translations of one work, is comparative method. The thesis is substantiated that translation in comparative studies is nothing but a dialectical unity of the original and the translated text, which is manifested in the interaction of two linguistic pictures of the world, two literary systems, two concepts of reality – the authors of original and translation, to convey an aesthetic impression, while preserving all the stylistic features of the original.
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