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українська література
сучасна література motif
Ukrainian literature
contemporary literature

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The article examines the origins and changes in the literary reception of the concept of «motif». The attentionis focused on the ambiguity of the definition of the concept of motive and the active search for a new theoretical synthesisin understanding its nature and functions in the story. Literary studies integrate the understanding of this concept into modern linguistics in order to emphasise the motif in all its manifestations. The article analyses the works on the study of the term in the field of cultural anthropology, folklore studies and literary studies by a number of prominent foreign and Ukrainian scholars. The existing classifications of motives differ significantly not only in their approaches and content, but also in the degree of elaboration and validity. The motif is considered in the context of plot/plot connections and as a side theme, a synonym of a theme or a figurative embodiment. The most common variants of the concept as a recurring element in the traditions of a cultural community and stereotypical narrative sequences whose identity is certain are indicated. The dominant systems of motifs at each stage of the development of literature from ancient literature to postmodernism are retrospectively reviewed. Attention is focused on distinguishing between the main components of the use of this term in literary studies: motive as a reason, motive as a narrative unit and motive as a thematic unit. the study of the classification of motives provides new directions for the analysis of specific literary phenomena. The author argues that it is relevant and necessary for domestic research in the field of folklore studies, literature studies, and art studies in general to get rid of the option of total focus on the achievements of the Russian school of literary studies in the study of the concept of «motif», which was typical for Ukrainian scientific research in recent decades. It is determined that a general overview of the development of the theory of motive gives grounds to say that the ideas and approaches of past researchers remain relevant to modern literary studies.
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