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імпровізація, стиль, методика, дисципліна, музика, виконавство improvisation, style, technique, discipline, music, performance

How to Cite

CОЛОГУБ В. Д. (2021). СПЕЦИФІКА ОПАНУВАННЯ ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «ОСНОВИ ІМПРОВІЗАЦІЇ». ACADEMIC STUDIES. SERIES “PEDAGOGY”, 2(3), 122-127. https://doi.org/10.52726/as.pedagogy/2021.3.2.19


The aim of the research is to consider the peculiarities of mastering the discipline “Fundamentals of Improvisation” by students of higher educational institutions of art in the specialty “Instrumental Art”. The research methodology involves the use of the historical method to highlight the role of the improvisational principle in music. An analytical approach is used to outline the importance of developing improvisation skills in different areas of music culture – academic, folk and pop-jazz. In order to distinguish the method of formation of improvisation skills, the method of synthesis is used. Scientific novelty. The article for the first time systematically with the use of historical method considers the skills of improvisation within different stylistic areas, which highlighted the need to use a generalized method of teaching improvisation for students of higher education in art specialty “Instrumental Art”. A strategy for mastering improvisation skills has been developed. Conclusions. Studying the discipline “Fundamentals of Improvisation” is an important component of training modern musicians. Due to the fact that the skills of improvisation can be manifested in different musical directions – academic, folk, jazz – their mastery is necessary. In order to develop improvisation skills, you need to have auditory experience, study methods of developing musical material, research ways to create a dramatically balanced, holistic and appropriate improvisation. It is appropriate to use a combination of individual and group forms of work, which will crystallize the ability to improvise and be able to apply it in real performance practice. The ability to improvise cannot be considered as a spontaneous uncontrolled process, but as a set of different theoretical knowledge and practical skills that testify to his professional skills.

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