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Василь Олександрович Сухомлинський, український педагог, освіта, здоров’я, культура здоров’я, формування культури здоров’я школярів, зміст, форми та методи виховання культури здоров’я учнів. Vasyl Oleksandrovych Sukhomlynskyi, Ukrainian pedagogue, education, health, health culture, formation of students’ health culture, content, forms and methods of educating of students’ health culture.

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The problem of forming, preserving and strengthening the student’s health in works of Ukrainian teacher and thinker Vasyl Oleksandrovych Sukhomlynskyi is considered in the article. After all, the questions raised by the scientist in that time, are still arisen, and the ways to solve them are simple and clear to pupils, teachers and parents. Human life and health are the highest human values. And the education of a healthy generation is the main task of modern society and, above all, the national educational system. Based on the analysis of relevant publications, it is concluded that Vasyl Sukhomlynskyi, realizing that education and training, especially in the first school years, determine the well-being or not well-being of a person in adult life, speaks of the need for «medical pedagogy» [Sukhomlynskyi 1977: 52], bearing in mind the organization of the educational process, which benefits the physical and mental health of students. Effective ways to strengthen the health of children, improve the physical education of students (tested in Pavlyska school) are analyzed: the system of conversations about man and the peculiarities of the human body; optimal alternation of mental and physical work; organization of training in the natural environment; creation of a wide network of sports sections and involvement of schoolchildren in active participation in them; active promotion and establishing of a healthy lifestyle; creating a positive psychological microclimate. It has been proven that health and education are interrelated and interdependent. The stronger the health of students, the more productive learning, and therefore the higher the activity and resistance to possible negative actions from the outside, the more successful the adaptation to environmental conditions. The views of an outstanding educator on the idea of the role of a teacher in the education of health culture and universal values of the child’s personality are actualized; possession of a system of knowledge about health, a set of skills and technologies for maintaining and developing the health of students and their own health.
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