
модель дослідницької діяльності, фахівці педагогічної освіти. model of research activities, pedagogical education specialists.

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The article provides the results of the theoretical study of modelling research activities of pedagogical education specialists based on the analysis of foreign sources of information. The Ukrainian educational system seeks to join the European educational and research space. That is why the study of foreign experience in the implementation of research activities of specialists in the field of pedagogy is especially relevant. Given the fact that modelling is a universal means of conscious perception of reality, it is this aspect of the presentation of research activity that needs systematic consideration and requires detailed study. The purpose of the study is to carry out a theoretical study of examples of modelling research activities of pedagogical education specialists in foreign theory and practice. The object of the study is the process of research activity of pedagogical education specialists. The subject of the study is examples of modelling research activities of pedagogical education specialists in foreign theory and practice. Research methods: review of the literature on the research topic, systematization and generalization of information regarding the process and results of modelling research activities of pedagogical education specialists. The study of foreign sources of scientific information made it possible to determine that research activity is an important component of the professional activity of pedagogical education specialists. The generalized model of this activity is formed by the components: selection of the topic, definition of the problem, formulation of the research questions, creation of the research design (definition of the research purpose, definition of the methods of forming a sample, selection of the methods and procedures for collecting information, development of the strategy for analysing the collected data), presentation of the results. The perspective of further research involves the development of models of research activities of pedagogical education specialists based on declarative and procedural modelling.


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