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аксіологія, духовність, гуманізм, козацька педагогіка, культура. Axiology, spirituality, humanism, Cossack pedagogy, culture.

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The relevance of the article is justified by the fact that in periods of social upheaval, wars, and changes in the political situation, the system of values of any nation is significantly rebuilt. This regularity, in particular, can be very clearly traced to the example of independent Ukraine, which survived the harsh times of its formation. The stormy 90s of the 20th century destroyed the value system of former Soviet Ukrainians, bringing to the fore, unfortunately, cruel rationalism, bribery, corruption, calm contemplation of the theft of the country’s wealth by political elites, self-interest, fraud, and deception. All this led to the moral decline of our society, which for decades could not build a system of civil society, remained post-totalitarian, and crossed out the future of young Ukrainians with the lack of «social elevators» for young people, a lack of demand for creativity, and active citizenship. Morality and spirituality, which have ceased to be values for a huge number of people, have become devalued. And the violation of the system of morality in society leads to catastrophic consequences. Today in Ukraine, the understanding has matured that without the revival of the foundations of morality and spirituality, the future of our country is impossible. The war and occupation that came with the invasion of the troops of the Russian Federation on the territory of independent Ukraine had a significant impact on the formation of the value system of our citizens and also significantly highlighted the shortcomings of our school education system. The system of education for schoolchildren must be transformed in connection with the most complex challenges: a long-term war with an enemy that is significantly superior in numbers. In order to overcome it, it is necessary to prevail qualitatively. We vitally need a true system of values, vitally necessary is an axiological approach in the education of the young generation, the generation of patriotic citizens, which must, first of all, be implemented in school. And for the implementation of such a system of values, historical experience is invaluable: the experience of the physical and moral education of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. Being at war with enemies for centuries, the Cossacks polished their system of psychophysical training to perfection, which was based on the system of Christian morality and faith, the defenders of which they were. It is possible, important, logical, and very correct to combine an axiological approach to the education of schoolchildren in a modern Ukrainian school with our national treasure: the Cossack traditions of education and upbringing. The concepts of axiology, axiological pedagogy, Christian morality, Cossacks, and Cossack pedagogy have been analyzed, in relation to which scientific interest has increased as to issues related to the education of schoolchildren not only as physically hardened citizens but as citizens with a system of moral and spiritual values. The main directions of the development of the axiological (value) approach in the education of Ukrainian schoolchildren are considered. The positive aspects of the introduction of elements of physical and moral education of Zaporozhian Cossacks into the Ukrainian school educational process are highlighted. The emphasis is placed on the formation of a modern system of education and physical education in Ukraine, the purpose of which is, among other things, to involve in the educational process the experience of the system of physical and moral education of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. The article reveals the importance of the axiological approach in the education of schoolchildren and clearly points to the common values of axiological and Cossack pedagogy, which are based on spirituality, morality, humanism, and culture. This is very important in the conditions of the current war in Ukraine, when Ukrainians protect not only themselves and their country but the peoples of Europe and European values from Russian aggression and destruction. Basically, as Ukrainian Cossacks did in ancient times, especially in the conditions of Turkish-Tatar aggression. It is noted that as a result of the introduction of an axiological approach to the education of schoolchildren and the experience of physical and moral education of the Zaporozhian Cossacks into the educational process of the New Ukrainian School, not only the quality of education but also the level of moral and spiritual values of Ukrainian youth will improve.
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